Dinaric Rally Raid Series 2024
General presumptions and prerequisites
Dinaric Rally Raid is a sporting event staged over varied terrain and is intended to test the riding and navigational skills, the endurance of competitors, and the reliability of their machines.
The terrain consists of natural landscapes and is not modified by the organiser. The route can consists:
- Mountains, rocky sections
- Rivers, dry riverbeds, mud tracks
- Open public road
- Natural vegetation, bushes, high grass, forests
- Asphalt roads, off road tracks
- Rough terrain
- Severe weather
Dinaric Rally Raid Series is open to motorcycles, quads and SSVs (hereinafter collectively referred to as “motorcycles”) duly covered by a registration certificate and adapted to off-road use.
It is understood that all riders, competitors, teams, team leaders, officials and other parties participating in the Dinaric Rally Raid Series and accompanying events (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Dinaric Rally”), accept on their own behalf, on behalf of their employees and agents, that they will abide by all the rules and regulations prescribed by the organizer of the Dinaric Rally Raid Series.
It is the responsibility of each competitor and/or team to ensure that all persons involved with their entries observe the Dinaric Rally Raid Series Regulations at all times. A competitor is responsible of the behaviour of his mechanics, assistants or manager and any infringement to the regulations will be borne by the competitor.
All persons who in any way participate in the Dinaric Rally Raid Series or accompanying events and events related to the rally at any time, during the rally must wear and be able to show the appropriate pass.
Actions judged by the officials responsible to be contrary to the Rally regulations – or judged to be unsportsmanlike or against the best interests of the sport or the meeting in question – are subject to disciplinary actions as provided by the Rally Arbitration and Disciplinary Code.
To anyone who does not abide by the Rally rules and regulations, the Rally Organizer has the right to prohibit (further) participation in the Rally. In addition, all those who do not comply with rules and regulations are liable to the Organizer for all the damage they have caused by their (inappropriate) actions.
The Dinaric Rally Raid Series is organized by:
UNTAMED Sport Club and UNTAMED j.d.o.o. (hereinafter: UNTAMED)
Zadravečka 11,
10040 Zagreb,
Cross-Country rallies are generally dangerous. Participants should not underestimate the high risk of an accident, injuries and even death! It has happened that some people who have participated in similar events in the past have been seriously injured, permanently disabled or have even lost their lives!
Despite the organization’s efforts to minimize the risks, each participant is expected to be aware of the fact:
- that they will take part in a challenging adventure that takes place in remote and inaccessible areas, where the assistance and medical care, in the event of an accident, are significantly impeded and limited
- that during the rally, the rider’s health and life can be put at risk
- that the increased risk is what makes this rally an adventure and therefore is an essential reason why a rider participates in this rally.
Rules and Regulations
The Rally will be organized in accordance with:
- Croatian law
- Bosnia and Herzegovina law
- Dinaric Rally Supplementary Rules and Regulations
- No Rally Licence needed
- Roadbook (paper or digital) navigated
DARE! (Dinaric Adventure Rally Experience)
- No Rally Licence needed
- No racing
- Timed and tracked
- Tracking & safety devices
- ROADBOOK and GPS navigated
The Race administration will be available till at least two days after the last day of the rally.
Participants must be in constant contact with the Race Administration to receive information releases and updates.
Communication / Contact
email: org@dinaricrally.com
tel/wapp: +385959061237
Please feel free to contact us for ANY questions, but please, read the regulations first. Thanks!
The official Channel of Communication are the Dinaric Rally public web pages: www.dinaricrally.com
Aditionaly, infomation may be distributed trough Dinaric Rally official facebook and instagram:
instagram: @dinaricrally
facebook: @dinaricrally
The rally is open to a maximum of 200 riders in all categories
The organizer has the right to accept more than 200 entries.
The organizer has the right not to start the race, if there are fewer than 50 entries. In this case the entry fee will be refunded.
To register for the Dinaric every rider must have:
- For their vehicle:
- registration license
- valid third party liability insurance
- Green Card
- Environmental mat
- For himself
- Rally Racing Licence if required by the category
- license to drive on public roads
- personal accident insurance covering: death, permanent disability, medical treatment and repatriation and including rally racing
Third party liability insurance
Organizer, all competitors, the manufacturers, competitors, passengers, sponsors and officials will be insured with third party liability insurance in case of damage to third parties during the meeting or during practice.
Accident Insurance for competitors
- Every competitor must be fully insured for personal accidents covering death, permanent disability, medical treatment and repatriation!
- Riders must be insured as per following specification:
- for medical treatment € 14.000
- for repatriation € 3.400″.
- Riders who do not have personal accident insurance will be able to get this insurance through UNTAMED, from Croatian insurance company. More
- Basic medical insurance, prescribed by law in the country of origin of the riders, is compulsory.
- Insurance in case of motorcycle and equipment damage and theft is recommended since the organizer is not responsible for such cases.
Vehicle(s) insurance
- Every vehicle that participate in the Rally must have regular compulsory vehicle insurance.
- Vehicles from non EAA (European Economic Area) countries must have the “Green Card”. Note: during the race, all the competitors will cross the Croatia-BiH border two times at least.
Despite our efforts to make the Dinaric Rally Raid Series safe and despite all experience and knowledge of the riders, accidents are always a possibility at events such as cross country offroad rallies.
It is assumed that all participants are aware of all the risks involved in participating in the rally. To participate in Dinaric Rally means to participate in a moto sport in which speed and adventure is an important factor.
Riders are strongly advised to check whether and to what extent their insurance covers the risk of such accidents, medical care and third party liability!!
The organiser undertakes to provide first aid, possible medical intervention on the terrain (by official SAR teams, doctors and paramedics) and the transport to the hospital.
For all the activities that riders do prior to the official start of the Rally that are not included in the official itinerary and/or not related to the Rally, as for all other activities after the Rally finish, riders are strongly recommended to have additional insurances (third party liability, accident insurance, travel insurance).
Administrative control
Prior to the start of the event, an administrative control will be organised, in order to check, driving licence, make and model of the motorcycle, and compliance with the category in which it has been entered. During this administrative control, various safety equipment and different information will be distributed to the competitors.
Technical Inspection
Before the start of the event, technical inspection of all the vehicles will be conducted.
During the whole event the Technical Steward, under the supervision of the Technical Director, can check any motorcycle. The time spent for this check will be granted to the competitor.
The competitor is responsible for the technical conformity of his motorcycle during the whole time of the Rally.
The competent bodies or officials can disqualify a motorcycle at any time during the event, which is considered to be or may become dangerous for the rider and other people connected to the Rally.
Any refusal to present the machine to a control requested by the Technical Steward will be sanctioned. Even by disqualification, if necessary.
Sound Control
For sound test details please refer to the Technical Regulations
Before the race
All the motorcycles must pass the sound control test. If a motorcycle does not pass the sound control test, the competitor must immediately solve the problem before the next sound control test.
During and after the race
For the sound control during the race and after the race, if during the test, the machine exceeds the maximum level allowed, the competitor will be penalised as followed:
- 1st offense: 15 minutes of penalty
- 2nd offense: 60 minutes of penalty
- 3rd offense: disqualification from the Event or other penalties given as provided for in the Disciplinary and Arbitration Code.
A competitor wishing to repair or replace the silencer of his machine can do so at the end of the day after the final time control, no later than 60 minutes after his time limit or no later than 60 minutes before his next scheduled starting time.
The competitor has 30 minutes to complete this task.
During the 30 minutes allocated, the competitor may request as many sound control tests as he wishes.
After 30 minutes, the competitor will be asked to present his machine to the official responsible for controlling the sound level of the machines.
If the sound level is still above the required standard, the competitor will be penalised according to the above-mentioned rule.
If the silencer is changed during the day, the competitor must present it to the technical steward in order to be marked with a different paint or sticker.
At the end of the day, a sound control test will be carried out during the 30 minutes allowance. If the test is passed, the silencer will be marked with the official paint. If not, the competitor will be penalised according to the above-mentioned rule (or other penalties given as provided for in the Disciplinary and Arbitration Code).
Regular briefings will be held every day, in the evening.
The briefing language is English.
All riders will receive the minutes of the briefing in electronic form.
The minutes of the briefing will be available for inspection at any time on th official race information board.
Roadbook and navigation
The route of the Rally will remain secret until the Road book/GPS are distributed to the competitors.
Official Itinerary
The official itinerary (Selective and Road Sections) is recorded in the Roadbook. The validation in a chronological order of each Waypoint presented in the road book guarantees the respect of this itinerary by the competitors.
All competitors will receive a road book, (paper or electronic) every day, before the briefing.
The Road Book has been designed in order to indicate the road to follow and the main dangers.
The route of the Rally will be secret until the Road books are distributed to the competitors.
While racing, riders are obligated to follow the roadbook for only the route indicated in the roadbook will be previously reconnoitered and will be “opened” and “swept”. Only this route will be validated by the opening team. It will indicate compulsory points of passage (WPV’s, WPM’s, WPS’s, WPC’s, SZ’s, FZ’s, CP’s) which must be respected. Not following these compulsory check points will be penalized.
The Road Book is in standard A5 format for SSVs and in 145 mm wide roll for Bikes and Quads. Both have total distance notes and relative distance notes to the next tulip.
It is absolutely forbidden to go in the opposite direction of the route and it is not allowed to go off the track. This incurs penalties up to disqualification from the race.
The use of the Electronic Road book is optional. Electronic roadbook will be in .PDF format. No protest will be accepted concerning the format, availability or the use of the electronic road book.
Between two compulsory points of passage the itinerary of the road book is recommended.
Any danger !!! (Danger 3) will be a WPS (validation at 90 meters).
Any danger and 3 (!!!) will be automatically signaled to the competitors by an audio alarm from tracking and safety device.
Complete list of symbols can be seen here .
The information given by the road opener team will be communicated to competitors during the briefings and by bill posting.
Roadbook Lexicon
Dinaric Rally Roadbook is made in accordance with FIM / FIA Rally-Raid Rules and Regulations and FIM / FIA Symbols are used.
Check Roadbook Symbols here
It is possible to navigate with:
- Paper Roadbook
- Electronic Roadbook
The type of navigation is determined by the category.
In case the rider wants to navigate using an electronic roadbook, he is obliged to mention it in the application!
Paper roadbook carriers, electronic roadbook reading devices and roadbook or GPS (in DARE!) navigation devices are provided by the riders themselves!
The organizer will make sure that all riders, depending on the chosen mode of navigation, receive a roadbook (paper or electronic) or GPX track on time not not later than before the official rider’s briefing.
Riders navigating by the roadbook are allowed to use GPS devices! This does not mean that it will be possible to navigate by GPS devices for .GPS tracks of the Rally stages will remain hidden throughout the rally.
The organizer undertakes that the exact route of the rally will remain secret until roadbook are delivered to the riders.
Riders are expected to be experienced in the technology they use for navigation.
Qualifying Special Stage (Prologue)
The Qualifying Selective Stage (Prologue) is a selective sector used to establish the starting order of the event.
The prologue will consist two Liaison Sections and one, up to 60 km long, Special Section.
The prologue will be navigated by Roadbook!
A multiplying factor of 2 will be applied to each time of this Selective Stage.
All competitors must* take part in the Prologue and the time on Prologue as well as any penalties, will count for the final classification.
The course of the Qualifying Selective Stage will include waypoints, speed control and other controls.
Strict respect of the course and rules of the Qualifying Selective Stage is imperative. Any infringement will be penalised.
This track is open to spectators and a larger number of spectators and fans along the track are expected.
*Riding of The Qualifying Selective Stage is compulsory for Rally classes. For DARE – Dinaric Adventure Rally Experience the Qualifying Special Stage is not compulsory.
Starting Order
Qualifying Selective Stage
The starting order and procedures for the Qualifying Selective Stage will be decided by the Race Director.
After the finish of the Qualifying Selective Stage, separate classifications will be made, for each category and each class: M1-M6, Q, SSV.
First Stage
The starting order of the first stage will be decided according to the classification of the Qualifying Selective Stage:
10 riders with the best times in the Qualifying Special Stage will have to choose their starting order for Stage 1 in the following way:
The ten competitors must be present to make their choice;
These ten competitors must start in the first ten places;
Competitors choose the places in reverse order from their ranking: competitor ranked tenth chooses first – competitor ranked first chooses last;
If several competitors are absent to make this choice, they will be placed in the remaining free places in the reverse order of the classification of the Qualifying Special Stage.
If no Qualifying Special Stage was held (in case of force majeure), starting order and procedures will be decided by the Race Director.
Second and subsequent Stages
The starting order of the second and subsequent Stages will be established on the basis of the time achieved in the Selective Section of the previous day plus the Selective Section penalties (speed, missing Waypoints…) obtained in this Selective Section.
If the stage included several Selective Sectors, the starting order will be established on the basis of the time achieved in these Selective Sectors plus the Selective Sector penalties (speed, missing Waypoints…) obtained in these Selective Sectors.
Motorcycles will be the first to start the race.
Quads will start after the last motorcycle with the time gap. SSVs will start after the last quad with the time gap. In accordance with conditions on the route, weather conditions and else, the race Director will decide how long exactly the period between the start of different categories will be.
The starting times for each competitor, on both, Selective Sections and Liaisons will be strictly on time and without delay, by exact number of minutes (e.g. 3 minutes) procedure, set by the Race Director.
Routes and traffic
The Route is divided into Stages that comprise of one or several Selective Sections (SS) connected by Road Sections (Connections).
The race will take place on roads open to public traffic.
Throughout the duration of the event, the competitors must strictly comply with the traffic regulations of the countries through which the event passes.
Riders are obliged to personally take care of their own safety at all times as well as the safety of all other competitors and traffic on the roads as well as the local population.
Especially for vehicles passing through residential areas, a designated maximum speed limit of 30 or 50 kilometers is set, unless the local road codes and signs state a lower limit.
Competitors will be monitored by GPS tracking system, throughout the stage(s). Any deviation from the route, speeding or any other rules violation will be recorded and penalized.
In each case, the penalties can reach up to and disqualification from the race.
No matter how hard we try, public roads can NEVER be 100% closed to traffic. It is impossible to completely prevent or control the behavior of other people and there is always the possibility that someone will appear on the route suddenly, that they will drive in the opposite direction and act in other dangerous ways.
The organizer disclaims all liability in case of traffic and other accidents as well as any related damages.
Stages (synonymous expressions: “Etape” or “Day Stage”) are designed so that all experienced riders can complete them safely and on time. However, the terrain in the Dinaric Alps is demanding and many other factors such as weather forecasts or local unforeseen events can affect riders and their vehicles.
The organizer reserves the right to change the planned stage / track at any time and inform the riders about it on time.
The trails consist of various roads and paths including asphalt, macadam, old neglected roads etc. and off road sections.
The stages are divided into Selective Sections (SS) and Connections Sections (Liaison – LS).
After each Stage, a minimum rest period of four hours is compulsory. The Clerk of the Course may allow a competitor to start the following Stage without proof of the four hours rest, once only, according to the advice of the event Chief Medical Officer (CMO). In this case, the competitor must turn up one hour before his theoretical start.
Vehicles must be presented at the start area, 30 minutes before the start of the race; otherwise they will not be given permission to start and the organizer may fill the position with another crew or competitor.
In this case, the crew which did not appear at the start area can be excluded from the race or stage.
Selective Sections (SS)
Selective Sections are run on tracks and sections of “road” open to the public. Contestant are obliged to use public roads with the greatest of care respecting all other participants in traffic.
Selective Sections (synonymous expressions: “Special Stage”, “Special Section” or “Selective Stage”) are timed sections of the Stage.
The goal is to pass the Selective Section as fast as possible while respecting the speed limits and all other rules and regulations.
Exact time for the start of every Selective Section will be determined (for each competitor)! Delay in the start of Selective Section(s) will be penalized…
Entrance and exit to the Selective Section will be clearly marked with recognizable symbols on the ground and will be marked in the roadbook.
Entry and exit from each Selective Section as well as speed throughout the entire stage, will be registered by timing / tracking system.
On the Selective Sections it is forbidden for competitors to ride in the opposite direction, under threat of penalty which may result in disqualification from the event.
Departure (start) of a Selective Section
At the start of a Selective Section, when the motorcycle comes to a stop in front of the starting control, the timekeeper on duty will call out the last 15 seconds and last five seconds one at a time. After the last five seconds, the starting signal will be given and this must be immediately followed by the start of the competitor.
A two minute penalty will be given to a rider that does not start within 30 seconds of the start signal.
Any competitor refusing to leave at the start of a Selective Section at the given time and in the position that has been allotted will be penalised, possibly by disqualification from the event.
The start of a Selective Section can be delayed by the timekeeper.
A start made before the official has given the signal will be penalised by 5 minutes. This penalisation does not rule out more serious sanctions that may be applied by the Jury, particularly in the case of a repeated offences.
When a competitor is unable to show up at the start of a Selective Section with his motorcycle and his engine running, the penalty shall be one minute per minute of lateness.
Arrival (finish) of a Selective Section
The arrival of the Selective Section will be a flying finish, judged at speed, with notification panels arranged as follows:
a) yellow panel with white-black checkered flag (start of zone)
b) after about 100 metres, red panel with white-black checkered flag (arrival at speed)
c) at a distance of about 150 to 300 metres, 2 red panels (timepiece and STOP) and a final beige panel “zone exit” with 3 cross bars.
A voluntary stop between the yellow warning panel and the STOP panel is prohibited, under threat of penalty that may result in disqualification from the event. Timing is recorded on the finish line. A “photo/ finish” camera (Onboard camera type, GoPro or other) will also be installed in order to solve possible ties. The latter will be duplicated by hand-held stopwatches or similar device.
At a distance of about 150 to 300 metres after the finish, the competitor shall stop at a time check signaled by a red clock and a red STOP panel. The timekeeper on duty will enter the arrival time (hour, minute and second) into the time card, which will also be the starting time for the following Road Section (hour and minute). Any competitor not stopping at the STOP panel to enter his time will be penalised, up to disqualification.
The arrival times are recorded on the basis of seconds.
Passage Control
Passage controls will be set up along the route at selected positions. The location of non-hidden passage controls will be stated in the Roadbook.
Non-hidden/public controls will be clearly marked on the route with the official rally graphic symbols.
Hidden Passage Control
On multiple positions of each route, secret pass controls will be placed. The riders won’t be notified about the hidden passage controls by the GPS route data.
Control Zones
All controls must be passed in the order defined by the Road Book.
All controls, i.e. time checks, start and finish of Selective Sections, Passage Control will be marked in the Radobook with and will be indicated by means of standardised panels as follows:

- The entrance into the control zone is indicated by a warning panel with a yellow background. The position of the control point is indicated by a panel with a red background At a distance of about 100 m. The end of the control zone, approximately 100 metres further on, is indicated by a final panel with a beige background and three black cross-bars.
The panels are always on the right of the control zone. - Any control zone, i.e. any zone between the first yellow warning panel and the final beige panel is considered as a Parc Fermé. The duration of the stop must not exceed the time required for the control operations.
- It is strictly forbidden to enter or leave a control area from any direction other than that prescribed by the itinerary of the Rally or to re-enter a control area once checking in has taken place at this control. If this happens the rider will be penalized:
a) 1st offense: 10 minutes
b) 2nd offense: 1 hour
c) 3rd offense and following: 3 hours - The ideal time for clocking-in is the sole responsibility of the competitors. The official time is the GPS time.
- The competitors are required, under threat of penalty which may result in disqualification from the event, to follow the instructions of the chief of the control point.
- All distances defining the control zones are approximate and in no case can be subject to complaints.
Speed Control Zone
In the zones defined as Speed Control Zones, the speed of the competitors, in the Road Sections as well as in the Selective Sections, will be limited; the value of this limitation will be indicated in the road book.
It is the responsibility of the competitor to adapt his speed to the condition on the roads and the traffic!
The Speed Control Zones will be clerly indicated in the road book, meaning that riders can in no way claim not to know either the entrance or exit of the zone. The speed of a competitor will be limited to the maximum speed allowed between the point of entry and exit point of the zone, regardless of the route taken between these two points.
In the road book Speed Control Zones will be marked with:
- “SZ” marked orange circle (Start of the zone),
- “FZ” marked green circle (finish of the zone) and the maximum speed allowed.
- For whole the length of the Speed Control Zone, each Way Points in the roadbook will be clearly marked with thick, orange coloured borderline.
- Speed limit will be clearly stated in each Way Point inside the Speed Control Zone presented in the Road Book.
If inside the same Speed Control Zone maximum speed changes, same will be indicated in the roadbook by maximum speed sign (right column).
In a Speed Control Zone, if the speed limit is exceeded, audio / visual signal can appear on the Safety and Tracking device to indicate a speeding. These warnings should appear for each speeding. If inside the same Speed Control Zone maximum speed changes, these alarms will be triggered and should appear each time when riders is exceeding maximum speed.
The absence of indicating signs for speed cannot give cause for protest.
The buzzer or alarm signal is not official information to indicate the Speed Control Zone.
All the liaison zones will be considered as “Speed Control Zone”.
In some cases, when the competitors have to reduce their speed significantly, at the crossing of a road for example, a speed control zone (SZ – FZ at 40 km/h) will be set.
Overtaking is allowed, on condition that the maximum speed authorised in the zone is not exceeded.
Speed will be controled by Safety and Tracking device(s).
A deceleration area of 90 metres around the start of the zone as well as an acceleration area of 90 metres around the end of the zone will be allowed.
A Speed Infringement (SI) is made when the maximum speed is exceeded once or several times in the same Speed Control Zone.
The controls will be ordered by the Clerk of the Course or the Rally Jury and executed by a GPS technician in the presence of an official or a Judge of facts.
The Rally Jury can disqualify the rider if the relapse of speeding is considered intentional.
Start of the control zone
The entry of a speed control zone will be recorded in the GPS (WP) and indicated on the Road Book with “SZ” marked circle. To validate the entry of SZ, the competitor must pass at less than 90 meters (radius around “SZ” Way Point).
90m before this GPS point the competitor will be informed by his GPS (audio – visual warning) that he is approaching a Speed Control Zone (deceleration).
The 90m situated after the GPS point, is considered as a deceleration zone (zone of tolerance), before entering in the control zone.
End of the Control Zone
The Finish of the speed control zone will be recorded in the GPS (WP) and clearly indicated in the Road Book by a “FZ” marked green circle.
Around this point with a radius of 90 meters a zone of tolerance will be set.
In this zone, the competitor may accelerate again.
The exit point of the speed control zone is a compulsory point of passage. To validate the exit of Zone “FZ”, the competitor must pass at less than 90 metres (radius around the WP “FZ”).
Successive Speed Control Zones
When a speed control zone is made of two successive areas, with two different speeds of different values, the maximum speed within a radius of 90 metres of the entering waypoint of the second section will always be the highest speed of the two areas.
In the case of a decreasing speed limit, entering the 90 metres radius of this waypoint will be the start of the deceleration area. In an area made of 2 successive speed control zones, with 2 maximum speeds of different values, the waypoint in-between will warn of the modification of the speed limit.
Penalties for exceeding the speed limits will apply as follows:
When speeding, a pulse signal is recorded in the GPS every 150 m or every 10 seconds. Each pulse signal (IMP) will be penalised as follows.
- up to 20 km/h: IMP X 1’
- between 21 and 40 km/h: IMP X 2’
- more than 40 km/h: IMP X 6’
Example: Zone limited to 40 km/h. A competitor passes the first two pulse signals at 100 km/h then the 3rd at 70 km/h, the 4th at 52 km/h; the other ones are below the limit.
Calculation: 2 x 6’ + 1 x 2’ + 1 x 1’ Total of the penalties: 15 minutes.The second Speed Infringement will be when speeding once or several times in another Speed Control Zone. The Number of Speed Infringements (NSI) will be added during the event. From the second offence and for all the following, each pulse signal (IMP) will be penalised as follows:
- up to 20 km/h: IMP X 1’ X NSI
- between 21 et 40 km/h: IMP X 2’ X NSI
- more than 40 km/h: IMP X 6’ X NSI
Example: in the second Speed Control Zone of the rally, limited to 40 km/h, the same competitor passes the first pulse signal at 72 km/h, the 2nd at 58 km/h, the 3rd at 41 km/h; the other ones are below the limit.
Calculation: 1 x 2’ + 2 x 1’ Penalties: 4 minutes x 2 which makes a total of 8 minutes of penalties, as it is the 2nd Speed Infringement (NSI = 2), then x three for the third Speed Infringement (NSI = 3), x fourth for the fourth Speed Infringement (NSI = 4) etc.
Liaison Stage penalties for motorcycles, Quads and SSVs are strictly proportional to the delay or early arrival, i.e. 1 minute penalty for every minute late or early arrival.
The penalty for missing check point (CP) is calculated as: (SS maximum time / number of all SS CPs) x number of missed SS CPs
Example 1: (600 minutes / 20 CPs) x 3 missed CPs = 90 minutes penalty.
Example 2: (600 minutes / 20 CPs) x 0 missed CPs = 0 minutes penalty.
Example 3: (600 minutes / 20 CPs) x 18 missed CPs = 540 minutes penalty.
The Dinaric Rally timing system enables:
- Lap timing
- Live Checkpoints
- Precision 1/1000 sec
- Live results (web / smartphone app)
Due to the fact that the first riders who opened the stage are at a disadvantage to others the Race director decided to introduce a time bonus to award the 3 riders opening the track during a Selective Section.
This bonus is applicable to all riders’ categories.
- First rider to validate the WP Bonus: 1.5 seconds X distance travelled since the previous Waypoint (WP) Bonus expressed in kilometres and rounded down to the nearest hundred metres.
- Second rider to validate the WP Bonus: 1 second X distance travelled since the previous WP Bonus expressed in kilometres and rounded down to the nearest hundred metres.
- Third rider to validate the WP Bonus: 0.5 seconds X distance travelled since the previous WP Bonus expressed in kilometres and rounded down to the nearest hundred metres.
- The time at the finish of the Selective Section will be credited with the Bonus in order to determine the starting order of the Stage the next day.
- The Bonus will be rounded down to the whole second.
Time Card
Paper Time Cards will not be in use.
QR code put on competitors bike on the day of registration will be used to record competitors time at time controls and via mobile app.
Maximum Time Allowed
Liaison Section – Start and Finish
A target time will be given (stated in the Roadbook) for each Liaison Section, with a maximum time allowed. Any competitor exceeding this target time will incur a penalty of one minute for every minute late, up to the maximum time allowed. Competitors checking-in after this maximum time will incur the liaison penalty for the day (PL).
Selective Section
Selective Sections will be run in real time, with a maximum time allowed. Competitors checking-in after this maximum time will incur the fixed penalty for the day.
If, at the end of the stage, the majority of competitors having started the stage have not crossed the finishing line of the day’s Selective Section, the day’s maximum time allowed may be revised on the suggestion of the Clerk of the Course, at the discretion of the International Jury.
The Best Results
Selective Section (synonymous expressions: “Special Stage”, “Special Section” or “Selective Stage”) are timed sections of the Stage.
The competitor’s goal is to pass the Selective Section(s) fastest possible while respecting the speed limits and all other rules and regulations.
The best result on each Stage is calculated as:
Time on SS + Penalties.
Penalties on both, Selective Section(s) and Liaison Section(s) will be taken in this calculation.
Best results in final classification are calculated as:
Total time on all Selective Section + Penalties from all Sections (Selectives + Liaisons).
Not starting or abandoning a Selective Section/Stage
A competitor not present at the start of a Stage and who did not inform the race direction in any manner will be disqualified.
The competitor who does not wish or cannot start a Stage must still present himself, be represented by somebody at the start of the Stage must inform the Clerk of the Course before the start of the Stage.
In this case, he will receive a penalty as follows:
Sporting Penalty (SP) + Maximum time of the Selective Section + the value of all waypoints not validated.
The competitor who starts a stage and then leaves the Stage will receive the following penalty (It is not allowed for him to cross the finish line after leaving the track:
Ninety (90) minutes for having left the stage + SP + Maximum time of the Selective Section + the value of all waypoints not validated.
Motorcycle not in condition to start
At the start of a Stage or of a Selective Section, if the Technical Stewards/ Technical Director note that a motorcycle is in a condition which is incompatible with normal use, they must immediately inform the Clerk of the Course, who may call for its condition to be rectified.
In this case, the time taken, in minutes, to perform the work shall be considered as so many minutes of lateness recorded over a Road Section. In order to prevent the competitor from trying to make up his lost time after the repair, the latter shall be given a new starting time, provided that the TC is not closed.
On-time Limits
Time limits are set throughout the day stages.
If a competitor exceeds the given time limit at CP or TC, he is considered out of race on a given Stage and Maximum time penalty applies.
The time limit(s) may be modified by the organizers at any time upon proposal to the Race Director, especially if the delay has come from a CP or TC before the middle of the race. Meaning the delay in the first TC cannot be over 30 minutes, over 1 hour for the second TC, etc.
SSVs that exceed these times in a Stage, can start the next Stage, with corresponding penalties from the stage that was not completed.
Closing of the Passage Control
Assistance and towing
The vehicles and personnel intended to provide technical assistance to competitors must pass through the administrative control and be identified. They are hereinafter referred to by assistance category.
Assistance and towing of a competitor still in the race can be done only by vehicles/persons officially entered in the race or in the Assistance category. All racing vehicles, once they have abandoned the race and therefore have crossed their number plates and race numbers can be considered as assistance vehicles, if authorised by the race direction. All infractions of the assistance regulations will incur penalties up to and including disqualification from the race.
A competitor is responsible for his assistance and/or mechanic. Any irregular behavior of the assistant and/or mechanic during the event (verifications, liaison, authorized assistance area, parc-fermé, paddock, etc.) will result in a penalty for the competitor.
Authorised Assistance
1. In Selective Sections
Assistance and towing are authorised even to cross the finish line, without any penalties, only by the crew of a car, bike or a truck officially entered in the race, and still racing.
A vehicle in the Assistance category can work on a Selective Section only after approval of the race direction and after the closure of the control at the end of the Selective Section. The competitor who benefits from this assistance will be penalised 3 hours for towing and/ or assistance + Sporting Penalty (SP) + Maximum time of the Selective Section + Allotted time of the Road Section not done + the value of all waypoints not validated.
2. In Liaison
During starts and finish of Selective Section as well as in the road section, assistance is allowed. Vehicles in the Assistance category and their crews can work on motorcycles.
During a Marathon Stage the assistance is authorised only: before the departure and on the road section of the departure of day 1 as well as on the arrival and the finish of the road section of day 2. If the assistance is done anywhere else, the competitor will be penalised with 6 hours.
The transport or towing of motorcycles in a Road Section will result in a penalty of three hours unless exceptionally authorised by the Supplementary Regulations or the Jury.
3. At the bivouac
The assistance is allowed:
By the crew of a car, a motorcycle or a truck officially entered in and still in the race, by the vehicles and their crew in the Assistance category.
After having checked in at the time control at the end of the Stage, competitors (or persons entered as assistance in the same team) may take their motorcycle out of the bivouac for refueling, to go to a hotel or carry out technical tests, within a radius of 15 km from the bivouac. For these tests, the Satellite Tracking System must be switched on.
4. At the bivouac, after the start of a Selective Section
Once a machine has started a Selective Section, assistance at the bivouac is allowed if the return of the rider with his machine to the bivouac is not done by taking the Rally Route in the opposite direction.
If the track is a narrow single track, then any return in the opposite direction of the race is forbidden under penalty of disqualification.
In case of open off-track, for safety reasons and in order not to be on the wrong track, the rider will have to deviate from the tracks to return to the bivouac, without incurring any penalty.
Forbidden Assistance
The following are forbidden, and penalties up to and including disqualification can incur:
- The transport of parts and/or personal items and equipment or assistance, transport or towing by a vehicle and/or a person other than a car, motorbike or truck officially entered in and still in the race or as vehicles in the Assistance category and their crew.
- The stocking or dropping of spare parts, tools, personal effects, fuel throughout all the countries crossed by the Rally.
- All assistance in an enclosed place, closed or guarded, even if this place is situated within the area of the bivouac. A tent is not considered as an enclosed place.
- The presence of a vehicle from the Assistance category on the route of a Selective Section.
- During a stage with several Selective Sections, the assistance is prohibited at the starts, finish and road sections of the intermediary specials. Only assistance from the first Selective Section and the arrival of the last Selective Section will be allowed.
- During a refueling in a Selective Section, assistance before, during and after the refueling is considered as an assistance not as refueling and it will be penalized accordingly.
Help in case of accident
In the event of an accident, the Jury may award time back to a competitor who has stopped to help another injured competitor. This awarding of time is at the sole discretion of the Jury.
To prove that they helped in an accident, the competitor is required to gather evidence and submit it to the organizer.
Unjustified stopping in the area of the accident will not be rewarded with subtraction of the time spent.
The Race Director, taking into account the penalties set by the Regulation and after agreement with the Race Stewards may impose penalties that can reach as far as exclusion from the race.
Other penalties:
- If a rider or crew calls for assistance 15 minutes penalty applies
- If 3 or more calls for assistance are made, the maximum penalty is set, assuming that the competitor has not completed the Selective Section
- Getting help to get to the bivouac (towing / transporting) by a non-competitor – maximum time penalty.
- For the sound control, if during the test, the machine exceeds the maximum level allowed during the race and after the race the competitor will be penalised as followed:
- 1st offense: 15 minutes of penalty
- 2nd offense: 60 minutes of penalty
- 3rd offense: disqualification from the Event or other penalties given as provided for in the Disciplinary and Arbitration Code.
- When a competitor is unable to show up at the start of a Selective Section with his motorcycle and his engine running, the penalty shall be one minute per minute of lateness.
- Any competitor not stopping at the STOP panel to enter his time will be penalised by minimum 10 minutes and up to disqualification.
Stage terrain signalization will be announced on these web pages shortly before the start of the Rally and will be explained at the briefings.
Marathon stage
Definition: The Marathon Stage consists of two days of competition. Each day is considered as a LOOP STAGE that starts from the Bivouac in Knin and finishes at the SAME bivouac!
Thre will be no remote bivouac during the marathon stage. Marathon stage bivouac will be the same like every other stage.
Between two marathon stages, all vehicles must be parked and stay in the controlled area (Parc Fermé).
Only Selective Sector penalties will be applied on the evening of the first day of a Marathon Stage.
Other penalties incurred for the Marathon Stage will be applied at the end of the Marathon Stage.
External assistance will be strictly forbiden during the Marathon stage.
Important rules for the vehicles and riders of different categories:
- The Organisation will provide an area called Work Park Marathon which will be clearly marked and fenced within the Bivouac and will be securely guarded.
- Only the Officials of the Event are allowed to enter the Work Park Marathon.
- Competitors are allowed to work on their vehicles once they have entered the Work Park Marathon.
- The working time will be fixed at 60 minutes.
- Help between competitors within the same class (only) will be allowed.
- Competitors may only use the tools and material they have carried with them or borrowed from another competitor (Chain, filter, etc.).
- Exchange of parts between competitors is allowed.
- If a competitor stays longer than his allocated time, but no longer than 30 minutes, he/she will be penalised with 60 minutes.
- After these thirty minutes, he/she must imperatively leave the work park.
- It is forbidden for a competitor who has left the Work Park Marathon to come back again.
- Competitors will be allowed to enter the Work Park Marathon in the morning, 10 minutes before their start time.
- If after the first stage of the Marathon Stage, the bike is not safe to restart the next day, the competitor must repair the bike. If he fails to do this, he will not be allowed to start the second stage of the Marathon Stage and will then receive a stage penalty.
Unassisted (Malle Moto)
Competitors can register for Malle Moto (unassisted) category and compete for Malle Moto Trophy.
Malle Moto riders can not benefit from the assistance of an accompanying person registered in the race or in Service category, or in Media and more generally of any accredited person (Organisation, guests, etc.).
Malle Moto general rules:
- Competitors must not receive any outside help.
- Only Service between Riders of the Malle Moto, still in the race, or by the Organisation’s staff dedicated to this category will be authorised.
- Any other Service will be sanctioned, the penalty may go as far as the exclusion of the Rider from the category.
- Competitors will be located in a separate area in the bivouac strictly controlled by the organiser.
- Vehicles will be parked and stay in separate, controlled area.
- Maximum 80l of luggage, is allowed which riders can use for clothes, tools, spare-parts or else.
- Beside the 80l of luggage it is also allowed:
- 1 complete wheel set (rim + tyres);
- 1 pair of tyres;
- 1 tent + 1 Sleeping bag + 1 Floor mat;
- Motorcycle lifter;
- 1 travel bag(s) / rucksack(s), identified with the Rider’s number
- The Organiser commits to play the role of a Service Team for Malle Moto Riders and will provide the following:
- Two 80l boxes to measure maximum allowed amount of luggage per every participant
- Easy access to official race information;
- Access to power source for electrical tools and recharging phones or batteries;
- Access to cold drinks and food;
- Riders are allowed to use any spare parts or tools other than those from their 80l allowed amount of luggage. These tools and service parts riders can buy from the shops nearby or rally support agencies in the bivouac.
- At any finish of a Stage the Rider then goes straight to the “Malle Moto” area and gives. A maximum time of 10 minutes is given to enter this area.
- At the Bivouac, it is mandatory for the Rider registered in Malle Moto category to service/repair their vehicles and sleep in the dedicated area.
- Only the Rider is allowed to:
- work on his vehicle or on a damaged part;
- set up and dismantle his tent.
- Riders may take their vehicle or a damaged part out of the Malle Moto area only after having informed the person in charge of Malle Moto area. Riders must be accompanied by a member of the Organisation, to carry out certain exceptional operations:
- Any repairs requiring specific equipment not available in the “Malle Moto” area (welding, machining, suspension repairs, etc.). These repairs must be carried out by Riders themselves under the control of the member of the Organisation accompanying him;
- Carry out tests;
- Use the services offered by the Dinaric Rally partners within the bivouac service area;
- Access the area of a partner offering a service within the service area
- Refuel their Machines;
- Clean their Machines.
If it appears that the type of operation does not comply with this article and/or that the spirit of the category has not been respected, the Rider shall be excluded from the Malle Moto and may therefore no longer benefit from the related services. - In the event of withdrawal, the Rider:
- will continue to have access to his personal belongings and to sleep in the Malle Moto area;
- may in no case provide any form of Service to the Malle Moto Riders still in the race.
- Any infringement of the rules will result in Disqualification of the Rider from this category.
The competitor alone is responsible for refueling.
Refueling must be done with the engine cut. The competitor cannot be on his motorcycle.
At least 20 minutes neutralisation will be put in place each time refueling is carried out.
Neutralisation can be managed by GPS without the assistance of a marshal. The competitor will then be solely responsible for his start time of the neutralisation.
Minimal fuel autonomy of vehicle for the Dinaric Rally is 150 km.
Exact fuel autonomy for each stage as well as fuel refill points will be highlighted in the roadbook (and gpx data).
In the refueling zone, only the following interventions will be allowed:
- Installation of the Road-Book;
- Replacement of the cartridge(s) and verification of the correct functioning of the airbag;
- Fuel, water and food replenishment;
- Use of toilet
Protests – Appeals
- All suggestions, complaints and appeals must be submitted in writing and handed to the Clerk of the Course accompanied by the security deposit currently applicable. This sum will not be returned if the complaint is rejected.
If the protest calls for the dismantling and refitting of various parts of a motorcycle, the complainant shall pay an additional security deposit. - The final deadline for holding a protest against the classification of a Stage is valid up to three (3) hours after the posting of the Provisional classification of the stage.
- The final deadline for protest, at the end of the event, will be half an hour beginning from the time when the official general classification of the Cross-Country Rally is posted.
The Appeal and Complaints Commissioners will consider all the reports and make a decision. The decision will be made at the latest, before the beginning of the next stage, or, if the objection regards the last stage, before the announcement of the total results.
Awards and Trophies
The prizes:
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd place overall (Bike, Quad and SSV all together)
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Quad
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd place SSV
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd place M1
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd place M2
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd place M3
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd place M4
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd place M5
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd place M6
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd place MALLE-MOTO
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd place FEMALE
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd place VETERAN
- Dinaric FINISHER
Marketing and Promotion
Advertising on motorcycles and the rider’s clothing is allowed as long as it:
- does not offend, in any way, others present at the rally.
- does not offend, in any way, any third party in the area in which the rally is taking place.
- is not in direct conflict with the partners and the sponsors of the rally.
Organizer keeps the right to put stickers on participants vehicles. If a rider refuses this , he/she must pay a double entry fee.
Safety and Tracking devices
It is highly recomended to all riders to get used to the functions of the tracking and safety devices that will be used in Dinaric Rally. The video presentation will be published on Dinaric Rally public web pages
The SAFETY system used on the Dinaric Rally provides live* informations used for the safety of the riders, including:
- GPS position of the vehicles
- speed of the vehicles
- trajectories of vehicles
- deviation from the route
- SOS call from riders to the organization
- Warnings from Organization to the rider(s) in case of unforeseen events and dangers on the route
The TRACKING system used on the Dinaric Rally provides the informations used for the scoring, including:
- GPS position of the vehicles
- speed of the vehicles
- trajectories of vehicles
- deviation from the route
- violations of speed limits
- alarming of competitors about:
- speeding
- waypoints passing
- dangers (also stated in the roadbook)
- entering / exiting the neutralization(s)
*a shorter or longer delay is possible in remote areas
Safety Rules
All riders are required to strictly follow these safety rules:
- Tracking and Safety devices that will be used on Dinaric Rally are obligatory for every rider. Every rider is obligated to use Safety devices as per instructions they will be given before the rally start including:
- Overtaking communication
- Technical issues, accidents and injuries reporting (without delay) to the organization
- all riders are required to navigate exclusively by the navigation system prescribed for the class they compete in and navigation type they chose (e.i. Paper Roadbook or Digital Roadbook).
- all riders are required to have a functional mobile phone and first aid kit with them throughout the race.
- except during the service of the motorcycle, in the base, the following rule applies: when his engine is running, the rider must have his helmet on!
- transport of fuel in any other way but in fuel tanks designed for this purpose is forbidden.
- transport of objects, spare parts, tools… which may cause injuries to a competitor in the back pack, belt or similar, is forbidden.
- any rider’s behavior that may adversely affect the safety of other participants and / or third parties will be severely sanctioned.
- riders are required not to ride if they have health problems.
Failure to follow the above rules will result in the rider not being allowed to start the stage.
If necessary, for safety reasons, the organizer will also try to establish communication with riders via mobile phone,.
General safety instructions
Throughout the event, participants are required to follow the organizer’s and staff’s instructions.
The organizer explicitly requests that the participants accept and follow all given instructions.
Excessive consumption of alcohol and any use of drugs and other illegal substances is prohibited throughout the whole event.
It is in the personal interest of the rider as well as the interest of other participants that everyone adheres to these instructions. In case of violation of the safety regulations, the organizer reserves the right to exclude any rider from further participation in the rally.
Mental and physical fitness are essential for attending this meeting.
The participant is obligated to inform the organizer about any health issues.
It is forbidden to start a rally under the influence of alcohol, drugs and other narcotic and/or illicit substances.
Each participant must be aware of and accept the following facts:
- The Dinaric Rally is held in remote and sometimes difficult to reach areas, sometimes it involves riding through rough terrain under unpredictable weather conditions and varied route conditions. Taking this in consideration, there is limited availability for assistance in the event of any accident or distress.
- The riding speed must be adapted to the conditions on the terrain, the physical fitness and the skills of the rider, all with the aim of maximizing the overall safety of the rider and all other participants of the rally.
- Wrong assessment of one’s own capabilities and lack of experience, damage to vehicles as a result of an accident or mechanical wear and tear, unsportsmanlike conduct and neglect of safe riding advice are the most common causes of accidents, injuries and sometimes death.
- The participants themselves are responsible for the control of their vehicle before the start of the stage.
- Each participant should take into account their current state before starting the stage.
- As always, it is important to avoid unnecessary risk.
- The length of the rally and the long daily route leads to inevitable concentration problems.
- In case of any health problems or concerns, participants must inform the organizer on time about his/her physical condition.
- Wearing a helmet is obligatory for the category Motorcycle and Quad as well as using a seat belt for the category Quad.
- All parts of the vehicle must be permanently mounted or secured in a way that doesn’t endanger participants and spectators.
- Even with the greatest efforts of the organizer and with the help of local municipalities, the Ministry of Transport and all others involved – the route can NEVER be 100% closed to “public” traffic!!!
- Despite all the efforts, it is impossible to ensure that a domestic animal, forest ranger, or drunk local riding a tractor in the opposite direction won’t appear on the route. You can never be sure that an unexpected surprise will not appear behind the next curve or hill.
- By making a detour from the route, the rider may find himself in a restricted or dangerous area.
The organizer kindly asks all participants to pay maximum attention to their own safety and security, the safety of the participants of the rally and everyone present!
We especially kindly ask all participants to pay attention to the safety of young children, observers, domestic animals and all other living creatures and nature of the Dinarides!!!
The organizer also emphasizes that there is a risk of LANDMINES in certain areas of Croatia (and in the Balkans). Participants will be promptly informed and alerted to any suspected mined areas near the route.
Riders must be aware of the situation on the terrain before starting the stage and are personally responsible for requesting all information if they feel they have not been provided with them at the regular briefing.
Medical assistance
During the entire event, the following will be available to all riders and participants:
- An ambulance tent with a doctors and first aid medical equipment permanently located in the Bivouac.
- Safety vehicles with SAR professionals, paramedics, doctors and medical technicians on the route(s).
- Quads on the route
- 4×4 vehicles on the route
- Backup Search and Rescue team on demand.
Two way communication Safety devices enable sending simple and effective S.O.S. and Assistance request from any place on the route (or off the route).
First aid kit
On every stage, during the entire stage, all the riders must carry with them a first aid medical kit which includes:
- eye drops
- an analgesics / pain killers (aspirin or equivalent over-the-counter or prescription)
- Nitrile / Latex gloves
- sterile dressing pads x 5
- gauze bandages x 3
- first aid plasters x 10
- disinfectant
Necessary Supplies
Every day, during entire stage, all the riders must carry with them a minimum portion of supplies including:
- at least 1l of water or other hydrating drink
- energy bars or other food
Riders themselves are responsible for replenishing depleted supplies during neutralizations or on other occasions.
Survival Equipment
On every stage, during the entire stage, all the riders must carry with them:
- Mobile phone in waterproof packaging and able to call/receive in Croatia (EU) and Bosnia & Herzegovina. Phones must be loud enough so that rider can hear the ringing in case of emergency calls!!;
- Rain Jacket
- Mini Survival kit including:
- compass
- torch / flashlight
- pocket knife
- survival blanket foil
- lighter
- small signal mirror
- whistle
- working SIM card
- dog repellent pepper spray
*Dog repellent pepper spray is not mandatory, but if you’re afraid of dogs, it could help you feel more comfortable when you encounter them.
Practical info
A food corner will be organized in the rally bivouac where participants will be able to buy a food.
A varied and plentiful breakfast and dinner will be served daily at the rally bivouac or nearby. Riders who want to apply for an organized food must do so in advance in the prescribed way.
All competitors, crew and family members will be able to purchase a continental breakfast for the whole week in our improvised food court in the tent in the rally bivouac. The breakfast will consist of a selection of cheese, salami, sausages, hard-boiled eggs, fruit and vegetables.
The list of recommended restaurants and other places offering food will be posted here and at the rally camp, during the rally.
The food is not included in the participation fee!
There are two basic accommodation options:
- Bivouac
- Sleeping in tents.
- Sleeping in your own campervans.
- A fee will be charged for accommodation in the bivouac.
- Hotels and apartments
- Bookng of the Accommodation is on competitors.
- Here you can find our suggestions for best accommodation in Knin.
Phones and SIM cards
It is of great importance that all the riders have a working phone and must be available for emergency calls during the entire event,
Please make sure that your phone / SIM card is works both in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Please note that there are different types of “tourist” SIM cards available in both Croatia and BiH. Most gas stations offer these SIM cards and the staff will help you with installation of the SIMs and setting up the phones.
Remember, Bosnia is not an EU member and roaming prices are much higher.
Terminology and Definitions
Allotted time | Each stage must be run in the allotted time which must be respected by all competitors. Any passing of this allotted time will result in a penalty by the minute. |
Bivouac | Rally camp located in city of Knin, Croatia, where all competitors regroup; this zone is located in the road book and GPS track. All stages start and end in Bivouac. In the bivouac, servicing is free between the competitors still in the race and with machines and/or people registered in the Assistance category. |
Briefing | The briefing held by the organiser or his Delegate. |
CP (Passage Control) | A zone where the time will be checked and marked by the IT tracking system. |
COG (Cap Over Ground) | Information given by the GPS, indicating the heading followed by a moving vehicle. |
CTW (Cap to Waypoint) | Information given by the GPS, indicating the heading to follow up to the next Waypoint. |
Disqualification | Penalty decided by the Dinaric Rally Jury following an important infringement to the Dinaric Rally regulations. |
Duration of an Event | The Event starts with the administrative control or technical inspection and ends upon the expiry of one of the following time limits, whichever is the later:
SZ | The entrance of the speed control zone and, when possible, marked by a precise reference marker. |
Estimated time | Time estimated by the Organiser to cover a stage. |
Liaison Penalty (PL) | Time penalty that rider gets on liaisons, to be added to the other penalties. |
Fixed penalty (FP) | A time penalty to be added to penalties already incurred by competitors. |
FMN | National Motorcycling Federation. |
FMNR | Organising National Motorcycling Federation. |
FZ | The end of a speed control zone. |
GPS | A “Global Positioning System” – a system using satellites to localise precisely longitude, latitude and altitude at any point on earth. |
Malle Moto | Malle Moto, French for ‘Trunk Motorbike’, is a category in which riders of motorcycles and quads are almost completely unassisted. |
Marathon stage | A stage with limited assistance at the camp site at the end of the day. |
Maximum time allowed | Time given for each Liaisons and maximum time given for each Special Stages, which, if passed, will result in the application of a fixed penalty in minutes. |
Neutralisation | A specified time (in minutes) in which the competitor stops at the designated stopping points (fuel points, refreshments etc) and which will not be added the total time on the track. |
Official itinerary | This is represented by the passage through each waypoint to be followed compulsorily on pain of penalties. |
Overall classification | Overall classification of all categories together. |
Parc Fermé | Zone in which no maintenance, preparation or interventions are possible. |
Rally HQ | Rally headquarter. Score point of the Rally, coordinating and managing the race. |
Real time | The time actually used for the course of a Selective Section. |
Regrouping | Stop provided by the Clerk of the Course in order to allow the regrouping of competitors still in the event and reduce the intervals (Parc Fermé condition). The stopping time may be different depending on the competitors. |
Road Book | Each competitor in roadbook classes will receive a road book in the form of a paper roll, size A5, or in electronic format, .pdf, with all the information important for navigation, containing characteristic notes and the compulsory waypoints, which they must observe on pain of penalties. |
Road Section | Part of the route, to be done in the allotted time, between two successive time checks. |
Route | This is defined by the official road book of the event, confirmed by the rider of the opening vehicle. |
Selective Section (SS) | True speed test in real time. |
SI (Speed Infringement) | Any speed exceeding the maximum speed allowed in a Speed Control Zone. |
SOG (Speed Over Ground) | Information given by the GPS, indicating the speed of a moving vehicle. |
Sporting penalty | A time penalty to be added to penalties already incurred by competitors in special cases. |
Stage | Each part of the Rally separated by a camp site. |
Qualifying Special Stage | Qualifying Special Stage is a Stage which will determine the starting order for the next Stage. It shall count for the classification of the event as well as any road penalties relating thereto. These penalties will be taken into account for the general classification of that stage and applied the same day. |
TC / ATC | Time Control / Arrival Time Control. |
Time card | Card intended for affixing the markings of the various TC/CP carried out over the itinerary. |
WPM (Hidden Waypoint) | A compulsory passage point indicated in the road book, the coordinates of which are not revealed to the competitors. |
WPN (Waypoint Navigation) | The argument for this validation radius of 200 m is to allow the competitors more freedom to validate a WPN especially in off piste or dunes. The organiser will define the exact position during his reconnaissance and doing so he will consider the ground (gravel, gras, etc) for location of the waypoint. Even when doing so, with many vehicles passing the waypoint the situation may change (e.g. vehicles get stuck, the terain may change, etc.) during the rally. The organiser may use this waypoint to prevent competitors from avoiding challenging routes or navigation difficulties. |
WPS (Safety Waypoint) | A compulsory passage point, where the coordinates are given to the competitors by the road book and memorised in the GPS. The waypoint will validate at 90 meters. Towards a WPS, all available information is displayed on the screen of the GPS. WPS can be used for security reasons or to prevent cuts and must be used in any danger!!! (Danger 3). |
WPT | Waypoint (GPS point). A GPS point is a geographical point defined by coordinates of longitude and latitude. There are several types of GPS points: WPM, WPN, WPV, WPS. Each waypoint noted on the road book is a compulsory passage point. |
WPV (Visible Waypoint) | A point the coordinates of which are given to the competitors by the road book and memorised in the “GPS”. Towards a visible way point, all available information is displayed on the screen of the “GPS”. |
WPP (Precise Waypoint) | A WPP is a waypoint that allows to check precisely the respect of the Roadbook follow-up on the tracks, without navigation information provided by the NAVGPS. Its number and its order of passage in relation to other waypoints are only shown in the waypoint list of the road book. |
WPC (Waypoint Control) | WPC (Control Waypoint). A WPC is a Waypoint that allows the respect of the Road Book to be checked, without any navigation information being supplied by the GPS other than, the order of passage in relation to other Waypoints or boxes in the Road Book, as well as it’s name. |
UNTAMED may correct typographical and budgetary errors at any time. If individual provisions of these general terms and conditions become legally invalid or if they are legally invalid, this does not make the other provisions invalid.