Dinaric Rally Visual identity
Here you can find and download graphic elements of Dinaric Rally Visual identity.
You are free to use all graphic elements as long as you follow these simple rules:
- No distorting, flipping or stretching.
- No combining with any other brand logo or any other graphic elements.
- Respect “safe area” around the Dinaric Logo (or / and elements). the safe zone is represented by a margin of 10% of the total width and a margin of 10% of the total height of the logo or element. When using Dinarid Logo / elements, any other graphic or textual elements must not intrude this “safe area”
- Dinaric Rally logo colors are black or white. No other colors of the logo / elements are allowed. Use black and white color only!
- Placing Dinarc Logo on colored background (any color, pattern or so) is allowed as long as contrast is high and Dinaric Logo is easily recognizable.
To download the photos or graphic:
- click Download button
- Right click over the graphic*
- Choose “Save as” from the menu
- Choose the destination on your computer
- Hit the “Save” button.
*Note: if you download white graphic and your browser background is also white, the graphic will not be visible to. Still, the graphic is there and you can download following instructions given in steps 3 to 5.
Graphic elements
Feel free to use any photo you can find on our web pages or in our gallery under the following conditions:
- Always mention the source of the photos
- If author is stated in photos description, always give a credits to Author. If Author is not stated, always give a credits to Dinaric Rally
- No photo editing, cropping, stretching, distorting or any other manipulation is allowed unless you get written permission from the organizer.
- No other brands logo added on / over photos is allowed unless you get written permission from the organizer.
- Using photos for promoting other brands, events, projects is strictly forbidden!
If not sure are you allowed to use photo, contact us!