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Supplementary Regulations

Dinaric Rally Raid 2025

Updated on: February 5th, 2025.

Registration Number in the Competition Calendar: TBA

General Provisions and Assumptions

The Dinaric Rally 2025 is a race in the Rally Raid discipline. The event is organized in accordance with:

  • The annual supplement to the Rally Raid discipline (link: TBA),
  • The current Sporting Motorcycle Regulations of the Croatian National Federation (HMS),
  • Relevant regulations of FIM Europe and FIM,
  • Relevant laws of the Republic of Croatia,
  • Relevant laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Riders and all participants are required to comply with the provisions of all relevant regulations.

The Dinaric Rally takes place in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the rally camp (bivouac) located in Knin. The rally is open to motorcycles, quads, and SSV vehicles.

The date of the rally is: August 23 – 29, 2025.

Cross-Country Rally Raid competitions are inherently dangerous. Participants must not underestimate the high risk of accidents, injury, and even death! In the past, some individuals involved in similar events have been seriously injured, permanently disabled, or have even lost their lives!

Despite the organizers’ efforts to reduce risks, every participant is expected to be aware of and accept the following:

  • You will be partaking in a challenging adventure that takes place in remote and inaccessible areas, where assistance and medical care, in case of an accident, will be significantly delayed and limited.
  • Throughout the rally, the rider’s health and life may be at risk.
  • The increased danger is part of what makes Rally Raid an “adventure” and is one of the core reasons why riders choose to compete in this rally.

Stay alert and race smart!

Sports Club UNTAMED
Zadravečka 11, 10040 Zagreb
Phone: +385 95 906 1237

President of the JuryPerica Matijević
Jury Member?

Responsible PersonPerica Matijević
Race DirectorPerica Matijević
Chief Verification OfficerPetra Kontić
Chief Technical InspectorLuka Mišković
Director of Rescue and AssistanceToni Matijević
Chief Medical OfficerMia Matijević
Environmental SupervisorAnto Jozinović
Tracking and Safety System ManagerAlvydas Petrošius
Measurement Service ManagerAlvydas Petrošius


A prologue will determine the starting order for the first selective stage.
There will be 5 stages, ranging from 150 to 500 kilometers, with two selective stages (two daily stages) forming the marathon stage.

Schedule (Preliminary)


  • The exact schedule will be finalized two weeks before the rally begins. Deviations from the schedule may occur depending on race progress, weather conditions, force majeure, etc.
  • The starting order for the prologue will be decided by the race director.
  • The starting order for the first selective stage will be based on prologue results.
  • Starting positions for all classes will be determined overall, regardless of class.

Friday, August 22, 2025
08:00 – 16:00: Competitor check-in and entry to bivouac

Saturday, August 23, 2025
08:00 – 12:00: Verification
10:00 – 12:00: Technical inspection
12:00 – 14:00: Break
14:00 – 17:00: Technical inspection
19:00 – 19:30: Ceremonial parade
20:00 – 22:00: Rally opening

Sunday, August 24, 2025
09:00: Prologue start
16:00: Preliminary results
16:30: Protests
17:00: Final results
18:00: Start list
19:00: Briefing

Monday, August 25 – Thursday, August 28, 2025 (Daily Stages)


  • Schedules will vary depending on stage length, weather conditions, and other factors.
  • During the marathon stage, protests and official results will be published after the second day/second special stage.
  • Start
    Daily Time Limit
    Preliminary Results
    Official Results

Friday, August 29, 2025

  • 08:00: Stage start
  • Daily Time Limit
  • 16:00: Preliminary results
  • 16:30: Protests
  • 17:00: Official results
  • 18:00: Winner’s ceremony and closing event

Public Website


Registrations open no later than June 1, 2025, and will continue until the start of technical inspection and verification.

The total number of competitors across all categories and classes is limited to 200, excluding co-drivers.

Registrations will only be accepted through the online registration form available on the rally’s public website.

The entry list will be published on the rally’s public website.

Competitors are responsible for the accuracy of their personal information and vehicle data. If discrepancies are found during verification, the organizer reserves the right to deny the competitor’s participation, with no obligation to refund the entry fee.

Payment of the entry fee is required upon registration. The competitor’s right to a refund is governed by the refund policy published on the organizer’s official website.

Entry Fees

Regular period

  • M1 – M6: €1215.00
  • Quad: €1350.00
  • SSV: €1530.00

Last moment (when we reache 150 participants or 45 days before the rally)

  • M1 – M6: €1397.00
  • Quad: €1552.00
  • SSV: €1760.00

Note: The rental of safety and tracking equipment (€150 per competitor) is included in the price.


During verification, competitors must present:

  • Personal documents (proof of identity)
  • Proof of ownership (or authorization) of the vehicle
  • Vehicle registration document (issued and valid in the country of registration)
  • Proof of personal insurance (policy) in accordance with the insurance specifications

Technical Inspection

Before the event starts, a technical inspection of all vehicles will be conducted.

During the inspection, all vehicles will be checked in accordance with this regulation and other applicable rules.

Only vehicles that pass the technical inspection will be allowed to participate in the competition. A vehicle will be officially registered for the race only once it meets all technical requirements. If a vehicle fails the initial inspection, the competitor will be given a second chance to correct the deficiencies, but the vehicle must pass no later than the official inspection deadline.

Throughout the event, technical supervision officers may inspect any motorcycle at any time. The time spent on these inspections will be credited to the competitor.

The competitor is responsible for ensuring their motorcycle remains in technical compliance throughout the entire rally.

A competitor may be removed from the stage or disqualified from the race at any time if their vehicle is deemed unsafe for the competitor or others involved in the rally.

Any refusal to present the motorcycle for inspection will be penalized, with possible sanctions including disqualification if necessary.

Cross-Country Rally Raid competitions are generally dangerous. Competitors must not underestimate the high risk of accidents, injuries, or even death! In the past, participants in similar events have been seriously injured, permanently disabled, or even lost their lives!

Despite the organizers’ efforts to minimize risks, each competitor is expected to be aware of and accept the following:

  • You will be participating in a challenging adventure that takes place in remote and inaccessible areas, where assistance and medical care, in the event of an accident, will be significantly delayed and limited.
  • During the rally, the competitor’s health and life may be at risk.
  • The increased risk is part of what makes Rally Raid an “adventure,” and is one of the core reasons competitors choose to participate in this rally.

The race administration will remain available for at least two days after the final day of the rally. Competitors must stay in constant contact with the race administration to receive notifications and updates.

Official Contacts, Communication, and Information Channels

  • Official Website:
  • Official Email:
  • Official App for Competitor Information During the Rally: Sportity mobile app
  • Mobile / WhatsApp: +385 95 9061237

Note: Unofficial information channels, where photos, videos, and other materials will be posted before and during the rally, may include:
Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube

Competitor Rights and Responsibilities
Competitor rights and obligations are governed by this regulation and all other relevant rules and provisions, in accordance with the chapter “General Provisions and Assumptions” of this rulebook.

Each competitor must have personal accident insurance, covering death, permanent disability, medical treatment, and repatriation (return to home country).

Competitors must be insured according to the following specifications:

  • Medical treatment: €14,000
  • Repatriation: €3,400

Competitors without personal accident insurance will have the option to obtain such insurance through UNTAMED, provided by a Croatian insurance company.

Basic health insurance, as required by the competitor’s country of origin, is mandatory.

It is recommended to have insurance for motorcycle and equipment damage, as well as theft, as the organizer does not assume responsibility for such cases.

Vehicle Insurance

  • Every vehicle participating in the rally must have valid mandatory vehicle insurance.
  • Vehicles from countries outside the EEA (European Economic Area) must have a “Green Card” insurance certificate.

Note: During the race, all competitors will cross the border between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina at least twice.

Safety During the Competition
The organizer is committed to providing first aid, on-site medical intervention (from official rescue teams, doctors, and medical staff), and transportation to an ambulance or hospital if necessary.

For any activities that competitors undertake before the official start of the competition, which are not part of the official itinerary, and for any activities after the rally’s conclusion, the organizer is not obligated to provide assistance or support.

Competitors are advised to obtain additional insurance, such as third-party liability, accident insurance, and travel insurance.

The only permitted navigation method for the Dinaric Rally is the Roadbook.

The Roadbook will be created according to FIM/FIA standards and the annual appendix for Rally Raid discipline.

During registration, competitors must specify the type of Roadbook they will use. The available options are:

  • Paper – Standard roll format, or a booklet for SSV.
  • Digital – PDF format.
  • Digital – Terra Pirata system.

GPS navigation is neither possible nor allowed.


Penalties are governed by the relevant FIM/FIA regulations, the HMS Sporting Motorcycle Regulations, the annual appendix for the discipline, and this rulebook.

Missed Waypoints

  • The exact penalty amount for a missed waypoint, as well as the specific waypoints that will be included in the results calculation, will be determined by the race director and the race jury.
  • The penalty amount may vary across different stages or for different types of waypoints.
  • Precise penalties for missed waypoints will be published no later than at the briefing.

Marathon Stage

Definition: The marathon stage consists of two daily stages.
The organization of a Marathon Stage during a rally event is strongly recommended!

Rules for the Marathon Stage:

  1. Only one marathon stage may be organized during the rally.
  2. During the marathon stage, external assistance is not allowed for competitors. If a competitor receives outside assistance, they will be penalized in minutes.
  3. Mutual assistance among competitors is allowed.
  4. All servicing must be carried out in a designated and clearly marked “work area” known as the Marathon Work Park.
  5. Immediately after completing the first daily stage, competitors are required to leave their vehicles in the Parc Fermé. Between the two marathon stages, all vehicles must be parked and remain in the Parc Fermé. This area will be strictly monitored.
  6. If a competitor refuses to enter the Parc Fermé immediately upon arrival at the bivouac, they will receive a penalty of 6 hours.
  7. Competitors are required to report each entry and exit from the Parc Fermé to the supervising official, who will record the time of entry and exit, which will be used for penalty calculations.
  8. A competitor who fails to report their entry or exit from the Parc Fermé will be penalized with 30 minutes.
  9. A competitor has the right to service their vehicle independently for a total duration of 60 minutes, using only their personal toolset that they carried with them during the daily stage.
  10. A competitor is allowed to stay in the marathon bivouac for a maximum of 30 minutes longer, for which they will incur a 60-minute penalty.
  11. A competitor is allowed to enter the Parc Fermé 15 minutes before their scheduled start time for the daily stage.
  12. Changing tires during the marathon stage is prohibited.
  13. A competitor who exits the marathon Parc Fermé is not allowed to return.
  14. Only penalties for missed waypoints will be applied at the end of the first day of the marathon stage. Other penalties incurred during the marathon stage will be applied at the end of the marathon stage.
  15. Protests may only be submitted at the end of the marathon stage.

Important Rules for Vehicles and Competitors in Different Categories:

The organizer will provide an area called the Marathon Work Park, which will be clearly marked and fenced within the bivouac and will be under security surveillance.
Only official event personnel are allowed to enter the Marathon Work Park
Competitors are permitted to work on their vehicles after entering the Marathon Work Park
The working time will be limited to 60 minutes.
Mutual assistance among competitors within the same class is allowed (only).
Competitors may only use tools and materials that they have brought themselves or borrowed from another competitor (chain, filter, etc.).
Exchanging parts between competitors is allowed.
If a competitor exceeds the allotted working time but does not exceed 30 minutes, they will incur a 60-minute penalty.

Mutual assistance among competitors within the same class is permitted (only).

Competitors may only use tools and materials that they have brought themselves or borrowed from another competitor (chain, filter, etc.).

Exchanging parts between competitors is allowed.

If a competitor exceeds the allotted working time but does not exceed 30 minutes, they will incur a 60-minute penalty.

After those 30 minutes, the competitor must leave the Work Park.

Competitors are prohibited from returning to the Marathon Work Park after they have left.

Competitors will be allowed to enter the Marathon Work ParkMarathon Work Park in the morning, 10 minutes before their start time.

If a motorcycle is deemed unsafe to restart the next day after the first stage of the Marathon stage, the competitor must repair the motorcycle. If they are unable to do so, they will not be allowed to start the second stage of the Marathon stage and will receive a stage penalty.

Malle Moto Category

Competitors can register for the Malle Moto category (without assistance) and compete for the Malle Moto Trophy. Malle Moto competitors are not allowed to receive any external support.

General Rules for Malle Moto:

  1. Permitted Assistance: Only mutual assistance between Malle Moto competitors who are still in the race, or support from dedicated organizational staff, will be allowed. Any other form of assistance will incur penalties, which may result in disqualification from the category.
  2. Dedicated Bivouac Area: Competitors will be placed in a separate section of the bivouac under strict control by the organizers.
  3. Malle Moto Parc Fermé: Vehicles must be parked in the Malle Moto Parc Fermé and will remain in this designated, controlled area.
  4. Luggage Allowance: A maximum of 80 liters of baggage is permitted for competitors, which can include clothing, tools, spare parts, or other items.

In addition to the 80 liters of baggage, the following items are permitted:

  • 1 complete set of wheels with tires or 1 pair of tires;
  • 1 tent + 1 sleeping bag + 1 sleeping pad;
  • 1 motorcycle jack;
  • 1 travel bag/backpack, clearly marked with the competitor’s number.

In the event that the bivouac location changes during the rally, the organizers commit to acting as a service team for Malle Moto competitors and will provide the following:

  • Transport of baggage
  • Easy access to official race information
  • Access to power sources for electric tools and charging phones or batteries
  • Access to cold drinks and food

At the end of each daily stage, the competitor must immediately leave their vehicle in the Parc Ferme. In the bivouac, competitors registered in the Malle Moto category must service/repair their vehicles and sleep in a designated area.

Competitors may remove their vehicle or damaged parts from the Malle Moto area only after notifying the responsible official for the Malle Moto zone. A member of the Organization must accompany the competitors to carry out specific exceptional actions, including:

  • Any repairs requiring specific equipment not available in the “Malle Moto” area (welding, machining, suspension repairs, etc.). These repairs must be performed by the competitors themselves under the supervision of a member of the Organization;
  • Conducting tests;
  • Using services offered by Dinaric Rally partners within the service area of the bivouac;
  • Accessing areas of partners that provide services within the service area;
  • Refueling their vehicles;
  • Cleaning their vehicles.

In the event that a competitor needs to perform any of the aforementioned actions, the area manager will compile a written report detailing the time of absence and the reasons for it. If it is determined that the nature of the operation is not in accordance with this rule and/or that the spirit of the category has not been respected, the competitor will be disqualified from the Malle Moto category and will no longer be entitled to the associated services.

In the case of withdrawal, the competitor:

  • Still has access to their personal belongings and may sleep in the Malle Moto area;
  • Must not, under any circumstances, provide any assistance to Malle Moto competitors who are still in the race.

Any violation of these rules will result in the disqualification of the competitor from this category.

Details will be provided no later than three weeks before the start of the competition.

Tracking and Safety Devices
Details will be provided no later than three weeks before the start of the competition.

First Aid Kit

At every stage, during the entire stage, all competitors must carry a first aid kit that includes:

  • Eye drops
  • Analgesics / pain relief tablets (aspirin or equivalent over-the-counter or prescription medication)
  • Nitrile / latex gloves
  • Sterile dressings x 5
  • Gauze bandages x 3
  • Adhesive bandages x 10
  • Disinfectant

Mandatory Supplies

  • At least 1 liter of water or another hydrating beverage
  • Energy bars or other food items

Competitors are responsible for replenishing their depleted supplies during neutralizations or at other appropriate times.

Survival Kit
At every stage, throughout the entire stage, all competitors must carry the following:

  • A mobile phone in a waterproof case, capable of making/receiving calls in Croatia (EU) and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Phones must be loud enough for the competitor to hear ringing in case of emergency calls!
  • A rain jacket
  • A mini survival kit that includes:
    • Compass
    • Flashlight/battery-operated lamp
    • Pocket knife
    • Emergency blanket
    • Whistle
    • Pepper spray for repelling dogs

While dog repellent spray is not mandatory, it could help you feel more comfortable when encountering dogs during the rally, especially if you have a fear of them.