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Last update: 21. 7. 2022.

Here you can find useful information concerning the Dinaric 2022.

If you need any other information concerning the rally, we suggest you check our website carefully and if you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.

General Safety Instructions

Throughout the event, participants are required to follow the organizer’s and staff’s instructions.
The organizer explicitly requests that the participants accept and follow all given instructions.

To see all the safety instructions, please follow this link

Make sure to not miss the info on:

  • First Aid Kit
  • Necessary Supplies and
  • Survival Equipment


Customized Dinaric jerseys with your name / nickname can be ordered till midnight Sunday July 24th!
If you want to be a proud owner of the Dinaric jersey follow these simple steps.
1. Fill in the form
  • Choose the color scheme.
  • Choose the size.
  • If you want a customized jersey, write the text (name / nickname / number) for the back of the jersey.
  • If you need more jerseys, please use the “Comment / Message” field and specify which jerseys, size and amount.
2. Once you fill in the form, you will receive an automatic reply with the exact amount to pay depending on your choices.
3. The jersey will be waiting for you at the bivouac in Knin! You will pay on the spot!
The form:

Non-competitors registration

Entry to the Bivouac and use of facilities is possible with the Bivouac Pass only.

All non-competitors (support persons, media, mechanics, friends, families) that want to enter the bivouac and use the bivouac facilities must be registered.

Please fill this registration form with the data from all the non-competitors that will accompany you (and are going to need the bivouac pass).

Important! If you are the rider coming with the team, please ignore this form but make sure that your team manager fill it for whole your team!


All of the information for riders which is mandatory can be found here: and here


There will be enough space for everyone in the bivouac. A few weeks before the Rally you will get specific questions about your needs as far as the bivouac is concerned: the amount of space needed, vehicles with which you are coming, people coming with you (mechanics, crew, family members) etc. We do have all the info we collected through the registration form but we must discuss all the details to make sure everything will be super-fine. Each rider will get a designated area in the bivouac so that we can maximize the use of the space and so that we are able to organize the circulation of vehicles in the bivouac so that the flow of traffic runs smoothly, and every part can be reached without any problems.

Location of bivouac:

The bivouac will be divided into the following zones:

  • organizer (claims, timing, tracking etc.)
  • briefing zone
  • camping zone (sleeping in tents)
  • toilets, showers and water point service zone
  • Malle Moto zone
  • Parc Ferme
  • Competitors boxes/pits

At the registration day, all competitors will receive a bivouac pass (bracelet) and will be able to use all bivouac facilities and sleep/camp in the bivouac using that pass. The rest of the crew and family members are obliged to pay a bivouac pass (price 50 Euro) to be able to use the bivouac facilities. More details about the purchasing of this bivouac pass in upcoming updates.

The Bivouac pass will grant you access to all of the following:

  • spacious area for tents
  • food court with various selection of food (buffet breakfast and 2 menus  for dinner)
  • bar with various drinks and craft beer 
  • chill-out zone
  • female / male  showers
  • numerous sanitary facilities
  • WiFi internet
  • water
  • electricity

Marathon stage

The Marathon stage will be ridden on August 25 and 26.

Marathon stage start (August 25) in Knin and ends (August 26) in Knin. 

Special stages of the Marathon stage starts and ends in Bosnia.

There will be one approximately 50 km long Liaison from Knin to the start of special stage on August 25th and another one (same but opposite direction) 50 km long Liaison from the end of the special stage to Knin on August 26th.

Transport of belongings to the remote bivouac

-The organizer will transport all of the necessary belongings for Malle Moto and all other competitors without support.

All competitors will be able to take a limited amount and type of things. The volume of these things should be no larger than a standard rally box / trunk.

There will be 2 (two) trunks in the bivouac that will only serve to measure the volume of things allowed!

All items will be transported in bags / rucksacks from participants (not in the boxes).

All riders must pack all of their belongings (clothes, tools, tyres etc.) in their own bags and these will then be labelled with the riders ID.

All of the items being transported will be noted down on a list and the rider will receive his/her copy of this list. This list can be checked at the border crossing.

Transport of belongings will NOT be available for riders coming with teams!.

Remote Bivouac

Kupres, where the remote bivouac (in Marathon stage – 25 / 26. August) will be located is a small mountain town in Bosnia. We will stay in Adria Ski hotel.

– The number of beds in the Adria Ski hotel is limited so we kindly ask that you follow these simple rules when booking your accommodation

– Competitors and crew members (mechanics) have priority when booking.

– There are no single bed rooms in the hotel, so please book rooms with your teammates. If you are a solo rider, try finding a roommate on the official Dinaric Facebook group -> 

– to book the room, please contact the hotel directly through their email: [email protected]

– When booking your room, you will apply with your Dinaric ID and the ID of your roommate. If your roommate is your mechanic, please register them with their full name and surname.

– As the hotel has a limited number of beds, all rooms should be filled to their maximum capacity.

– The remote bivouac is very spacious, so there will be plenty of room for those who wish to sleep in their tents.

-We realize this may be a bit inconvenient for some of you, especially those with family members and friends. You can try to book private accommodation in Kupres (located 5-10 km from the bivouac and hotel) but this may also be quite tricky. It may be wiser for family and friends to stay in Knin and go to one of the fabulous excursions that we will be organizing.

– If you don’t have anyone to share the room with, don’t worry, just mention this when booking your accommodation. We will pair you up with someone looking for a roomy. Cheers!

“How will I sleep if I am not alone in my room?” you ask. Trust us, you will be so tired after the marathon stage and a couple of beers that you will fall flat onto the bed still in your riding gear.


Breakfast is included in the price of the stay at the hotel (for everyone arriving to the remote bivouac). Dinner can also be served in the hotel, just make sure to ask for this option when booking and to choose a dinner menu when booking. Three different menus will be available and a vegetarian option as well.


Accommodation in the city of Knin is limited so we advise you to book as soon as possible to be as close to the bivouac as possible. You can find a list of trusted private accommodation here:

For more details, refer to Accommodation in the bivouac is free for all competitors while the rest of the teams need to purchase a bivouac pass.


Food will be available in the bivouac.

A sumptuous breakfast (6:00 – 8:00 a.m.) and a diverse selection of dishes for dinner (19:00 – 21:30) will be served every day in the bivouac in our improvised food court, under a big tent. 

All competitors, crew and family members will be able to purchase (at the registration, on August 21) a continental breakfast for the whole week. Breakfast will be served 6:00 – 8:00 in the morning, in our improvised food court in the big tent in the rally bivouac. 

The breakfast will consist of a selection of cheese, salami, sausages, hard-boiled eggs, fruit and vegetables.

Additional food will be available throughout the day at the bivouac (barbecue, sandwiches, stews, goulash etc.). This food will be paid for at the bivouac when ordering.

Special dietary needs

We will have food for people with special dietary needs, but we kindly ask people who are on a very strict or specific diet to bring plenty of their own food.

We will of course do our best to provide you with information as to where you can buy certain food in the town of Knin and we will help you when purchasing it.


Various drinks will be available at the bivouac throughout the day including soft and energy drinks, beer, various alcoholic drinks and homemade brandies and liqueurs. The drinks should be paid for at the bivouac when ordering.


For detailed information please refer to our website. The minimal daily fuel range will be noted in the roadbook. The minimal fuel range for the whole rally is 130 km. On days where there will be no gas stations nearby, the orga will improvise refueling stations. On these days, the competitors will have to provide canisters which the orga will fill up and leave at designated areas marked clearly in the roadbook. The competitors must prepare these canisters and clearly mark their ID and Name on them.

Spare parts and service

Various support agencies will be providing their services at the bivouac. If you need bike maintenance, support or spare parts we suggest that you contact one of the following agencies:


More details about tyres soon.

Stay safe and see you soon!